Thomas Jefferson had a love affair with all things French, including the food.
On November 6, 2019, Chef Joe Scully and Executive Chef David Van Tassel will use the Monticello cookbook and Burgandy wine pairings from Steve Pignatiello for inspiration to create a memorable seasonal feast.
The reception begins at 6:30 pm and dinner at 7. We hope you’ll join us. To purchase tickets, click here.
Corn Bread with Virginia Ham
Okra Soup “Shooters”
Baby Lamb (Mutton) Chops with Mushroom “Catsup”
Croquettes of Roasted Veal
Wine: Joillot NV Crémant de Bourgogne Rosé (sparkling)
Martha Randolph’s Oyster Soup
Wine: Dujardin ’15 Monthelie Blanc
Civet of Hare with Exotic Mushrooms
Wine: Jouard ’17 Santenay Vieilles Vignes
Roast Duck with Onion Sauce, Carrots in Butter Sauce, French green Beans
Wine: Clerget ’17 Bourgogne Pinot Noir
Larded Filet of Beef with Sauce Piquante
Wine: Billard ’15 Pommard Charmots PREMIER CRU